When suffering from a severe physical disability we make it possible to get in control again. Our devices with sophisticated technology makes you to be in control again. Even without using your hands or feet it is possible to control your environment, call for help or even communicate.
When your brain going everywhere free like a butterfly but your body limits you as if you are in a diving bell, Common-blue helps you to get out. (* a book of Jean-Dominique de Bouby)
Almost no movement but still want to be in control. The MMS helps you to get in control again.
AI face detection is used to convert a mimic or facial movement into a signal for person call.
When you want to use your voice to make a specific sound to call your caretaker.
Control your computer with muscle and brain signals.
Our High Tech products are perfect for non-techies and great for daily use in many different circumstances.
You want to see what the MMS looks like, take a short trip and watch the video.
Our technicians are used to place themselves in the position of the user. Only in that way we can develop the products to be useful and easy to use.
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